I frequent a large photography forum almost every day. There is a gentleman that goes by the name "Pix4You". He's somewhat mysterious but always has insightful things to say that always make me think. I'm sharing with you what he shared this week. See his message below.
I was up late last night. I was working to put the finishing touches on the memorial slide show for a friend of ours. His service was today./
Beyond the bad scans, grainy pics from the 50's and 60's.
Difficult color callibration issues for some of those polyester jumpsuits from the 60's and 70's.
Blurry and poorly framed images of family time and children...
I saw a life recorded by photographs...57 years of photographs from a baby in a bassinet to a valiant cancer patient. From a little boy in a peddal car, to a captain of his own boat.
Ski trips, picnics, beach parties, dinners in, dinners out, dancing, births, weddings, graduations, first steps and first cars...All pictures of a life.
Now here is the tough part...
[b]When was the last time someone took YOUR picture? [/b]
Do you use your camera as a shield? Do you prefer to be the one "not pictured"
I was thinking of it today, and I realized that at my memorial service, it would be difficult to put together 2 minutes worth of photos let alone 15.
I'm not super attractive, I'm not thin, I'm not fat. I'm not special in any way...to myself.
But rest assured. You MATTER. You matter to those around you...leave them a part of yourself and get in front of the camera for a change.
One other aside...
I once worked as a newspaper photographer. I knew a young lady who was an excellent photographer. She drove up to South Carolina for a family reunion. And for the first time in many years, she gave the camera to someone else. She posed for pictures with family and friends. She had a great time!
On a late night assignment 2 weeks later, her car skidded on the road, left the highway, and hit a tree. She was killed instantly.
But her family had pictures...Photographs...memories.
I urge you to stop hiding behind the camera and get your picture taken.
I'm the balding overweight guy with the white socks and sandles.
I'm the self concious wall flower with bad hair and no boobs
I'm the one behind the camera
I'm you...