Friday, May 30, 2008

Workshop Details

Exciting news! I have secured a date and location for the workshop. It will be on Saturday, August 16, 2008. We will have discussion from 10am until noon. Break for lunch from 12pm until 1pm then continue discussion until 4pm. We will then dismiss and travel to a different location (probably Botanical Gardens) at 4:45 and work with child models for about an hour for those who are interested in that portion of the workshop.

So, the details...

What: The Photographer in You Workshop
Where: Park Place (A rec facility owned by the city of Gardendale
When: Saturday, August 16, 2008 from 10-5
Cost: $50 includes discussion, lunch and workbook of covered materials

Just to field a few questions I am repeatedly being asked...

I have a basic point and shoot camera. Would it benefit me?
There will be some technical discussion for those with SLR cameras and point and shoot cameras with manual settings. If you camera only has one option of Auto, that part of the discussion will be a bit over your head but you can still benefit from the rest of the discussion.

I shoot film. Should I come?
Definitely. For the most part, a film camera and digital camera operate the same way.

What should I bring?
You and your camera, charged batteries and plenty of memory!

Can I invite a friend?
Definitely! I will be accepting the first 20 paying applicants to attend.

I don't have Photoshop. Can I still benefit from this?
Of course. Photoshop is just one piece of the magic! I am also going to direct you to free resources for editing.

I can't make it that day. Will you host another workshop?
Anything is possible! Depending on interest, future workshops will be determined.

My kid is so cute. Can he/she be one of the models?
I will be seeking at least 5 child models for us to practice with at the shooting session. If you think your child would enjoy this, please let me know and we'll discuss this further. My son is programmed to do well so he will be an easy target for the group. If you know your child doesn't naturally enjoy being photographed, it's probably not a good idea!

I want to sign up. What do I do?
Email me at for an application then remit your payment to me either by mail or via Paypal.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The itty bitty Bittle

Meet Ella. The newest member of the Bittle family. She is my newest baby plan member. I am so excited to get to watch her grow this upcoming year. I look forward to working with you for many more years to come. Since I know that Mama Bittle is compin' at the bit to see her proofs, I'm posting a few that I grabbed off the memory card really quickly. I hope you enjoy!

The Photographer in You Workshop

After an overwhelming response for hosting a beginner photography workshop, I am going to make it happen. The covered materials and logistics are still being worked out but it will happen. I've created an outline of basic topics covered. If there is something specific you'd like to hear discussed, please feel free to let me know. A location is still in the works. There are places in Gardendale that I can rent but there isn't a place to do the shooting. I could do it at Botanical Gardens, but then we were battling the heat all day. So, that is going to take some working out. Any suggestions? The cost will be $50.00. A catered lunch will be provided. You will leave with a booklet of general information, vendor information and photoshop tips as well.

Topics Covered:

Equipment Overview- Point and Shoot VS SLR. Which is best for you?

Storage/Archiving- Protect yourself and your memories!

Basic Composition- Cropping, positioning and removing the clutter!

The Subject- Catching smiles and defeating the tears and cheese!

Technical aspects of proper exposure-- Getting your camera off of auto!

Lighting- The Good, Bad and the Ugly

Photoshop Tutorial- Working a bit of digital magic turning dull to dazzling! There is so much more to Black and white than desaturation!

Printing Options- There's better places available than Walmart!

One on one practice time. Be a paparazzi! Photograph child models under the direction of me!

If time & location permits, we will bring photos into Photoshop and edit on overhead projector so you can be proud of what you have learned!

So, stay tuned to the blog for the details and registration information.

I can't believe...

that it is almost June. I cannot believe that this year is almost 1/2 over! Before we know it, it will be Halloween then Thanksgiving then Christmas. So, just a few updates. I have very few openings remaining in June and a few in July right now. If you are considering Summer photos, now is the time to schedule them.

Around the first of July, I will be posting a list of upcoming events through the end of the year. I have a lot of fresh and fun ideas in the works that I'm sure you will love. (Think pettiskirts and lollipops!) I will also be posting my Fall calendar with a few "Cut out the Christmas Card Choas" sessions in the early Fall. Once all the dates are posted, I am going to set a tentative day to open my calendar. I can only accomodate so many so you'll have fair warning about what is going on and when you can book. After that, sessions and party dates are first come first serve.

I want to thank you for your continued support and I hope to work with you in the near future!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Totally off topic

We rented an awesome movie last night that I wanted to share with all of you. It's called Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. It is starring Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman and Jason Bateman. It is a wonderful story about love, hope, dreams, faith and magic. I'm not sure what possessed me to pick out this movie from the 1,000's of others at Blockbuster but it was the perfect selection for me yesterday. With all that I have going on in my life right now, it reminded me that sometimes we should see things through the eyes of a child. If you have seen it or plan to see it, let me know what you think. You can view the trailer at

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sassy Pants

This is little Miss Reese, otherwise known as Tater. She is just a little doll! So full of life and energy. She will ham it up for the camera just about on command. Such a spunky little kid. Doesn't her smile just make you smile?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I want better!

I've had tons of people ask me basic "How can I make my pictures better?" questions. It's hard for me to explain everything in the nutshell type answer they want so I'm toying the idea of hosting a workshop of sorts giving basic technical information, a bit of creative information, basic editing processes and a list of reputable print labs. I'm thinking possibly a day course with catered lunch and an hour or so of shooting time with child models. If this is something you would be interested in, please leave me a comment or send me an email to and let me know. If this thought becomes a reality, I will limit the number of attendees to 15. If there is more interest, I will consider hosting more events in the future.

I've been tagged.

I've been tagged by another photographer to post 10 things about me you might not know. So, here goes...

1. I love chapstick. I have about 30 different flavors. Avon chapstick-- the bomb! My favorite flavor is buttercream icing! Yummy. I wonder if it has calories?

2. I got my drivers license when I was 15 because I lived in Mississippi the months before I turned 15. My mom took me back there to get my license using my dads address. I thought I was big stuff with my license earlier than everyone else.

3. I love the beach but hate sand. It drives me crazy. I swear you would think I had sensory disorders as much as I hate it. I guess I can manage though. The ocean, great food and endless relaxation makes it all ok.

4. I spend way too much time online. I browse message boards, read blogs, research stuff. I have made some really great friends online though that I wouldn't trade for the world.

5. I used to drag race my poor little Honda Civic. Give me a break, I was 18. My Lord I feel sorry for that car. I gave it such a hard life.

6. Historically, I have always said that I didn't want children. I love kids! It wasn't the kid part that scared me. It was labor and delivery and my humongous fear of needles that deterred me. Thankfully, my doctor scheduled a C-Section for me so I wouldn't have the whole traumatic experience but I still cried for the 48 hours leading up to Austin's birth. Looking back, it wasn't so bad and I wouldn't know what to do without my little guy now. I just love him to pieces.

7. I am a sap! Every little thing makes me cry. Happy things, sad things I still cry. I remember when I was about 6 years old, my step mom took me to see Follow that Bird (A Sesame Street movie) and my dad took my sister to see Terminator I think it was. I remember sitting in the theater crying my eyes out because the bad guys took Big Bird away from his family. Things haven't changed. I tear up about everything. Saturday, Austin's coach was talking to the kids, who were more interested in eating dirt, that he was so proud of them and he enjoyed being their coach. Silly me was teared up hiding behind my sunglasses and my camera.

8. I can't sleep past 6:00. I think my body has finally rewired itself from the days of sleeping until noon. Man, those where the days. Now, I automatically wake up at 6:00. I guess its a good thing during the week, but geesh, it stinks on Saturday.

9. I'm a CSI junkie. That is the only show I really try to watch. I really only like CSI: Las Vegas. New York and Miami hasn't ever really interested me. The technology is so interesting to me. I still can't figure out why they use flashlights in a dark home at night. Ummm, if you can find a killer from a toenail, can't you find the light switch and just turn on the overhead light? I still love them though.

10. I love being a creative person. I love painting, designing, planning & coordinating parties. I really enjoy doing anything artistic and creative. It is mind clearing to me to think about something and make it happen. Don't get me wrong. I've had plenty of "great ideas" that didn't work out in reality exactly how they did in my head, but the process is still fun none the less. Be creative! It feels good!

Whew, I'm glad I could find 10 things to say. I was getting worried around #7.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We'll I'll be darn

I've had over 1,000 hits to the blog. Unless my family is just feeling sorry for me and showing the love, thats awesome! I wished I knew who all had visited so I could thank them for stopping by. Anyway, thanks for keeping up to date with me to all my loyal blog readers. I appreciate all of you. I'm going to have to come up with a special contest this week to celebrate!

Just precious

This is Miss McKinley. She has got to be one of the most compliant children I have ever photographed. She was seriously an angel through her whole session. I couldn't have asked for her to have cooperated any better. It was my pleasure photographing her on Saturday.

Cutie Patootie!

Meet Ty. I think he's got the best hair-do of any 18 month old I know. Isn't he adorable? And my Lord, he's fast! It was definitely a work out chasing after him on Saturday.

A little vent...

Ok, I love blogger just as much as the next guy. I love networking through it and finding old friends and keeping up to date on their lives and families. It is when I stumble upon the blog of a client that oftentimes I get irritated. I can't tell you how many times I've ran across blogs of clients that have my images plastered all over them and I didn't give them the files or the permission to scan them. Let me just say, if you want a few files to put on your blog, ask for them. I don't mind giving you a few good copies giving me proper credit. I don't mind at all.
Scanning copyright protected images is illegal and rude! Copyright infringement is a serious offense. Just ask someone who has been sued for it! Ahhh, I feel better having gotten that out. Back to your regularly scheduled blog reading!

I have to give a big thank you!

Thank you to all my clients who were able to reschedule and bump your appointment times up so that I could attend all of Austin's t-ball games. He just played his last game and really did so well this year for his first year. I'm so proud of him. In this crazy thing I call my life, it means the world to me that you were so flexible and willing to accomodate me and my schedule. Here is a picture of my little slugger! Isn't he the cutest thing you have ever seen?

Sweet Hudson

Austin was sitting here with me earlier as I looked through these images. He asked me who that was and I told him his name was Hudson and today was his 1st birthday. He looked at me puzzled and said, "Mama, thats not Hudson. Him's not a blue hornet." If you've seen Cars, the movie, you'll find the humor in that.

Today is Hudson's first birthday and his family welcomed me in their home for photos today. We were talking and come to realize that I've phtographed him 6 times in one year. I'm starting to feel like part of the family. He is such a lucky boy. Hudson has the sweetest mommy and Nana ever! I enjoyed chatting with you today! It *almost* wasn't like work. And thank you for welcoming me into your home on such a special day. I hope you enjoy your sneak peak! I hope Hudson has many many more happy birthdays.

Oh, and guess what Hudson did today for his birthday? He went to see a live broadcast of the Rick and Bubba Show. How cool is that?

I've been a bloggin' slacker!

I've been so busy I haven't made time to blog like I should. I know, slap my wrists! I'm trying to catch up so bear with me as I post random images from my last few sessions shortly.